Meg DesCamp has spent her life surrounded by the written word. Born into a large family of book fiends, she grew up in a huge old house that had stacks of books in every room and most of the hallways. She wrote her first autobiography at the age of five and hasn’t stopped writing since. For more than thirty years, she’s written professionally on a wide variety of subjects from pulp mill equipment to gardening (see her book Slug Tossing and Other Adventures of a Reluctant Gardener) to health care to parenting to business to cryptocurrency. She writes and edits websites, books, articles, marketing materials—whatever a client needs.
Her love for crossword puzzles and Sudoku have sharpened her eye for noticing mistakes and wrangling grammatical details. Comma faults, misplaced modifiers, continuity errors, spacing issues, and poor word choices don’t stand a chance. Meg’s favorite workdays are the ones when she gets to clean up someone else’s work and make it better. She thrives on helping clients tell their stories in clear, engaging language, both by her skillful editing and by showing them how to write better.
Meg spends her non-work time removing her cats from her computer keyboard, baking, reading, and hiking and running in the Pacific Northwest.