A sort of Swiss Army knife of the page, Donna Glee has seen her work published in anthologies, newsstand glossies, literary magazines, academic journals, reference books, big-city dailies, online venues, and spoken-word podcasts, as well as on stage and CD recordings. These days, her focus in her own writing is on speculative fiction, aka fantasy and science fiction. Her fantasy novels The Braided Path(2014) and Dreamers (2016) were both published by the Canadian specialty press, Edge.
Depending on our client’s needs, Donna Glee has many ways of working with manuscripts, including a uniquely personal method in which she receives a novel or memoir and places her 50 years of writing experience, her MFA in Creative Writing, her PhD in linguistics, and her poet’s ear at the service of lovingly revising it as if it were her own. Using the “track changes” feature of Word, the author can later go back and study the changes she’s made, either approving them or removing them, while at the same time gaining a profound understanding of their own writing that will stay with them and enrich future projects.
And, just so you know, she has taught the Hokey-Pokey on three continents.